A Simple Song
This is a simple song by Wáng Lìhóng 王力宏. It's called just that: yī shǒu jiǎndānde gē 一首簡單的歌 ("A Simple Song"), which can lead to all sorts of clever lines if you're ever asked what you'd like to sing for everyone (it happens in China--not "Would you like to sing?" but "What will you be singing?").As simple as the song professes to be, there is still some interesting vocabulary to learn from this little piece. At the very least, you can master the correct measure word for songs: shǒu 首.After much deliberation, I've decided to actually provide the link for you to download the mp3 by doing a search at Baidu) As much as I don't think Western artists would appreciate free downloads of their music, this is China and "rù xiāng suí sú" 入乡随俗, right?[download id="7"](requires Adobe Reader)If you like learning Chinese pop songs, check out the other song translation I've done.