Buying Motivation
It is possible to purchase a motivation boost for yourself with the right mindset. Which I didn’t have.

How I Reduced Procrastination (A Personal Adaptive Challenge)
Personal story: To change a habit, you don’t need more self-discipline. You need to figure out why you haven’t already changed it.

3 Alternatives to Making New Year’s Resolutions
Don’t make a typical New Year’s Resolution. Try a new thing instead.

How to Reply when Someone Compliments Your Chinese
My new favorite reply when someone says “You speak Chinese so well!”

“Change the Channel” as a Communication Strategy
Sometimes “changing the channel” can indirectly solve what appears to be a communication problem.

Stop Blaming Communication
What appears on the surface to be a communication issue, might actually be distracting us from deeper more important issues.

The Useless Suggestion Box
As an American who highly values efficiency, I've always been annoyed by the huge number of suggestion boxes at businesses in China.