Live Q & A Broadcast Tomorrow with Yangyang

I'm currently back in the USA for a short trip and Yangyang from Yoyo Chinese has invited me to do a live Google Hangout with her tomorrow. I've never done this before, but from what I understand she and I will sit in front of the camera and anyone who "tunes in" (how THAT works, I don't quite know) can type questions to us. Then, everyone watching can vote questions up to the top of the list and I guess we'll just start at the top and answer them as we go (I'll follow Yangyang's lead on that).The time zone is hard to figure out so I suggest looking at the time zone conversions Yangyang has already worked out in the official hangout page on the right, look under the "Details" heading, click "Read more (33 lines)".Oh, and it appears there's a countdown on Youtube if you're in a country where that's not banned, or even if you are and you have a wink-wink, nudge-nudge, know-what-I-mean.I'm excited to try this and see what kinds of questions we get asked!


You're the Top (Peizheng Version)


Five Two Zero So Much