Will Amazon Sell Chinese 24/7?
The short answer is: yes, but Amazon is very confused right now.If you pre-ordered Chinese 24/7 from Amazon, you probably got an email recently that said:
"Hello from Amazon.com.We are sorry to report that we will not be able to obtain the following item(s) from your order:Albert Wolfe "Chinese 24/7: Everyday Strategies for Speaking andUnderstanding Mandarin"http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1933330821Though we had expected to be able to send this item to you, we've since found that it is not available from any of our sources at this time. We realize this is disappointing news to hear, and we apologize for the inconvenience we have caused you.We have cancelled this item from your order."
In addition to misspelling "canceled," [I see now the error of my ways. It's a perfectly normal alternate spelling] Amazon now shows there is only one copy of the book available and the the price is $97.82! I strongly recommend against paying that much for it :)Anyway, as soon as I found out about that email, I immediately emailed the publisher to ask what's going on.Here's the reply from Stone Bridge Press:
"I don't know why Amazon is including that wording, as other times books are delayed or out of stock they give expected availability info.In any case, please let people know that the book is shipping the end of this month and should be available from Amazon in early to mid April."
Amazon seems to be confused because of the delay from the original projected release date (Nov, 2008). The book will most certainly be available next month. I'm working very hard right now on getting all the accompanying audio files for the book ready for download by April 1.I'm very sorry for the delay, confusion, and inconvenience caused by these little setbacks. Thank you again to everyone for your interest in this book. And thanks very much for your continued patience.