Help Choose a Chinese Name for Our Trip and Book
如果你想到有什么中文名字很适合我们这次旅行的话 (也就是书名),请你留下你的意见。不是一定要直接地翻译其英文名,只要听起来有趣、刺激就可以。如果我们采用了你想到的“书名”,我们将送出一份奖品以表谢意!Hello everyone. Thanks for visiting our new website. We're excited about our upcoming trip around China. Before we leave, we'd like to have a Chinese name for our journey and the book we hope to write about it.The English name is (of course):
The Great China Quest
If you've got an idea for a Chinese name for our trip, please leave a comment. It doesn't have to be a direct translation, just something that sounds exciting!If we choose the Chinese name you thought of, you'll win a prize as our way of saying thanks for your help!