
Help Choose a Chinese Name for Our Trip and Book

My Books > The Great China Quest > Help Choose a Chinese Name for Our Trip and Book

如果你想到有什么中文名字很适合我们这次旅行的话 (也就是书名),请你留下你的意见。不是一定要直接地翻译其英文名,只要听起来有趣、刺激就可以。


Hello everyone. Thanks for visiting our new website. We’re excited about our upcoming trip around China. Before we leave, we’d like to have a Chinese name for our journey and the book we hope to write about it.

The English name is (of course):

The Great China Quest

If you’ve got an idea for a Chinese name for our trip, please leave a comment. It doesn’t have to be a direct translation, just something that sounds exciting!

If we choose the Chinese name you thought of, you’ll win a prize as our way of saying thanks for your help!

25 replies on “Help Choose a Chinese Name for Our Trip and Book”

Personally, I’d consider a different English name; you’ll need to make your book stand out from a genre that’s getting crowded (Country Driving, China Road, and these guys who are in the middle of their travel-china-to-write-a book trip: — just off the top of my head). You’ve got a unique deal here with the scavenger hunt-type thing from your students — sounds like potential to me! Anyway, I subscribed.

@ Joel,
Thanks for the suggestion (and the heads up on those laobaixing bike guys!). I see what you mean, but we’re not too worried about that actually. This is just the name of the trip and IF the book gets published, it’s the publisher who gets the final say on the title anyway (I didn’t come up with “Chinese 24/7“, for example). But your point is well taken. Thanks for subscribing!

Oh and by the way,
Thanks to all of our students who’ve submitted the above Chinese names. In a few days we’re going to be giving them to a little focus group of Chinese friends out here to let them vote to tell us which one they like the best.

I’ve always REALLY wanted to learn to pull noodles! You totally have to learn to make lamian! Go to Qinghai to do it!

learn & publicly perform some 京剧?

Shower at the hutong public bath (the old-school community ones)?

Work a day in a rice paddy?

I suppose ‘no Western food for a month’ goes without saying…

Since your Starting Point was Decided by a Stranger, and you will be asking many strangers for help along the way, “请君指路” sounds like a very suitable book title.
(君 means 您)
Well, its just a random thought, If I come up with something better, I’ll let you know.

I’ve got a challenge… perform at a wedding 🙂 It might be hard to make it to mine in Changchun, but you’re welcome to try! 🙂 BTW… its Saturday.

I know I’m not a student but you can always bend the rules. 🙂
If you can’t perform at a wedding here are a few more suggestions…
-participate in a dragon dance
-swim 1km in the Yangtze
-take a sleeper bus from Dali to Kunming (haha, that may classify as punishment)
-get a choir of old people to practice and perform an operatic version of “Wo Bu Shi Dong Xi”

I have got some names for your book.











well another one: 古国:狩猎之旅

sorry for being naggish.

and as a Supernatural fan,i guess i’m kinda addicted to terms as ‘hunting’, ‘hunter’, etc. lol

Task suggestion #1: milk a “yak” (or what ever those yak looking things are that live way out there in most-remote-from-sea-and-school-ville.) Alternatively you could yack with your milk, or over a glass of milk. And milking this for all its worth, you could yak-idy-yak with a young yak while milking its mother without mentioning the milky-way.
Yes, I guess thats it for now. More later.

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